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The 7th Guangdong aluminum processing technology (International) seminar ended perfectly

Views:1752 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2016-12-06 18:05:27 Orgin:Site

On November 12, the 7th Guangdong aluminum processing technology (International) seminar (hereinafter referred to as "seminar") entrepreneur business salon was successfully concluded. As a member of aluminum processing professional committee of Guangdong nonferrous metals society, our company is honored to participate in this seminar. There are also production equipment enterprises, raw material enterprises and surface treatment material enterprises attending the seminar. Only when they come out of the seminar can they know that the application scope of aluminum alloy is really wide, ranging from household products to aerospace forces.

Dali, as an important aluminum alloy production base in China, is leading in technology and quality in all aspects, but we will not stagnate. Every year, aluminum processing seminar will gather experts from home and abroad to share and exchange aluminum processing technologies in all fields.
