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The cause and elimination of the concave convex corrugation on the surface of aluminum profile

Views:1777 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2017-08-30 16:41:21 Orgin:Site

In the aluminum profile surface treatment of aluminum industry company, there are often problems of convex concave, concave shadow, convex rib and concave convex corrugation on the surface, which affect the surface quality of aluminum profile, greatly reduce the extrusion productivity, consume a lot of costs, and thus affect the future development of the enterprise. According to the causes of the defects of convex concave corrugation on the surface of aluminum profile, it can be roughly divided into the following categories:I. the length ratio of the working belt of the aluminum profile extrusion die or the design error of the cavity size flow rate ratio are seriously misadjusted.

Second, the aluminum extrusion die work with obstruction angle and flow promotion angle.

3. The drop ratio of upper and lower die working belt of aluminum profile extrusion die is out of tolerance.

IV. the working belt of the upper and lower die of the aluminum profile extrusion die is not parallel and has a mouthpiece.

V. the upper die resistance (flow divider) in the aluminum profile extrusion die cavity is too high to block the discharge of the working belt or the drainage groove (size, depth and position) is not correct.

Vi. there are too few or even no (electric spark is not set) or too large (the working belt is cracked and deformed due to no support).

Methods to eliminate concave convex corrugations on the surface of aluminum profiles:

I. The key is to design and manufacture qualified aluminum profile extrusion die. The die factory should put an end to the artificial mold processing defects.

2. Serious waves, which can be handled by repairing, changing and returning the mold.

3. When the new mold or repaired mold starts to extrude, there are waves. The first rod can be extruded slowly at low temperature. In the middle, it can pause several times to re extrude. The purpose is to make the working belt filled with metal, and sometimes the waves will disappear naturally.

4. Slight waves are treated by increasing the traction and the amount of stretching.

V. slight wave, adjust the center of the cylinder and the die surface to make the aluminum amount in the cylinder flow into the die cavity to affect the flow velocity. This production is feasible when it is in urgent need.

Vi. the support pad is reasonable and the discharging is smooth.

To sum up: to eliminate the concave convex corrugations on the surface of aluminum profiles, it is necessary to be practical and realistic, conduct on-the-spot investigation and analysis, and get effective methods. The above is only for your reference and learning direction, specific reasons and specific analysis.
